Child Custody Time Equivalents (Timeshare percentages)
California Family Law bases Child Support on several factors, including income of each spouse, certain expenses and the amount of time the child/children spend with the non-custodial spouse.
These Child Custody Time Equivalents (sometimes called Timeshare or Parenting Time) are listed below. Find the frequency of parenting time with the non-custodial spouse and the Timeshare Percentage will be shown. A printable version of Child Custody Timeshare Equivalents is attached at the bottom of the page.
1 weekend per month (7%)
1 3-day weekend per month (10%)
1 21/2-day weekend per month (8%)
2 weekends per month (13%)
1 weekend per month and 1 evening per week (14%)
Alternate weekends (14%)
Alternate weekends + 2 summer weeks (18%)
Alternate weekends, 1/2 holidays and 2 summer weeks (19%)
Alternate weekends, 1/2 holidays and 2 summer weeks (Parent 2 also
has 2 summer weeks ) (18%)
Two 3-day weekends per month (20%)
Two 21/2-day weekends per month (16%)
Alternate weekends and 1 evening per week (21%)
Alternate weekends and 1 overnight per week (28%)
Alternate 3-day weekends (21%)
Alternate 21/2-day weekends (18%)
Alternate weekends, 1/2 holidays and 4 summer weeks (alternate
summer weekends with makeups) (21%)
Alternate weekends, 1/2 holidays and 4 summer weeks (no alternating
summer weekends) (21%)
Alternate weekends & 1/2 holidays and 1/2 summer (with or without
alternate summer weekends) (22%)
Alternate 3-day weekends plus 1 evening per week (28%)
Alternate 21/2-day weekends plus 1 evening per week (25%)
Alternate 3-day weekends plus 1 overnight Weekend per week (36%)
Alternate 21/2-day weekends plus 1 overnight weekend per week
Alternate Weekend, 1/2 Holidays, 1 Evening/Week, 4 Summer Weeks
(alternate weekends in summer, with makeups) (28%)
Alternate Weekends, 1 Evening/Week When School is in Session, and
1/2 School Vacation (28%)
3 days per week (43%)
First, third, and fifth weekends (15%)
First, third, fifth, 3-day weekends (23%)
First, third, fifth, 21/2-day weekends (19%)
First, third, and alternate fifth weekends (14%)
First, third, alternate fifth 3-day weekends (21%)
First, third, alternate fifth 21/2-day weekends (18%)